Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hi everyone,

This is the final announcement of the semester. Hope you enjoyed the semester and the subject as much as we the lecturers had.


1. I have updated the presentation room layout, in addition to attaching a new image with this email outlining how you should pin up and submit your works. Please (everyone) peruse these LAYOUTS, and make sure you do not pin up at the wrong areas!

There has been instances where some students have repeatedly pinned-up at the wrong areas. By doing so, you are inconveniencing your guest crits. Please respect their time and effort.

2. I will be assigning Ceavs in charge of CODA, and Seng Poh in charge of Studio12. Please ensure that the works are pinned up accordingly, and the rooms are spotless and clean. As you will be submitting on a Sunday, you will need to inform the security/FM to open up the room on that period of time. Please liaise with Shyn on this as I will not be around.

3. The partitions will be placed in the rooms by Friday, I believe. You will need to bring in an additional 6 tables (possibly from Studio 1) into CODA.

4. I am hoping that everyone can take instructions to ensure the success of your crit. We are very proud of the works that you have produced and we want the works to be presented well.


1. All models in ONE box + butter paper

2. Presentation boards, pinned up

3. Pins for the partition boards and masking tape for the walls/glass

4. A PRINTED final copy of your portfolio, in a plastic folder/wrap, plus your name and ID clearly labelled on the plastic folder/wrap

5. Group A1 installation panel


1. The times given are indicative of the order of your presentation. Keep track of your presentation order. You may present earlier, or later.

2. Don't be late. If you are late, you need to go back in line.

3. Only the presenters and the crits will be in the presentation rooms. The rest of you may wait along the corridor, but try not to make too much noise.

4. Do use your group site model. Talk about the design from your perspective, not the perspective of your lecturers.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A1 Installation Panel

Please follow this layout/grid. Use images and sketches. Print in A1 and pin up on submission day.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Penultimate (Design Studio Internal Review)

Hi everyone,

Final reminders:

1. Four A3 boards only. please pin up your works by 9am (group A) and 2pm (group B). Reviews will start on time. If you submit late, you will not be allowed to present.

2. Please pin your boards on the partitions according to groups. Arrange your boards vertically (i.e. board 1 above board 2 above board 3 above board 4) so that everyone can pin up.

3. Place your sketch models on/in a box. Label your sketch models, preferably.

4. All drawings must be hand drawn and all text on your design boards must be hand written.

5. Drawing scales and north point. Do not make mistakes on these things.

6. Re-composition using computer graphic programs are allowed. But the scale of the drawings on your printed boards must be indicated and accurate. A re-scaled drawing must be labelled to the print size. If you do not understand this, do not use computers for your design boards.

7. Additionally, please print and staple a black&white draft of your portfolio for this subject for projects 1 and 2. This shouldn't take too much of your time. Think simple layouts.

Some other announcements:

1. Portfolio binding payment of RM30. Group leader please collect the portfolio fee on the day of presentation. Please arrange this before the presentation.

2. To those who has not paid their bus fee (Fildzah, Xian Song, Samaneh, Derrick, Jamie, Xueyi, Kieran, Lee Xin and Najath), please be responsible and pay up by the day as well.

3. Submission date for architecture design studio and portfolio has been confirmed on Dec 4, one day before the presentation date.

4. To those who cannot make it for final presentation, you are to submit the works to me prior. Your work will be assessed without verbal presentation.

5. By the way, attendance for design class has been disappointing. I know there are a lot of submissions, but your time management is your responsibility. There will be NO extensions whatsoever.

All the best!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Something To Think About...

1. Think about material properties. Be sensitive of the materials that you have chosen. The more considerate/rigorous you are with the choices you have made, the better.

i.e. what is glass? is glass merely about transparency? of physical separation but not visual separation? of transparency, and yet at the same time reflecting its surroundings? What are the geometrical limitation of glass? What are the implications of using glass (beyond the original intent) on the building design, atmosphere, etc.

2. Whatever you come up with needs to be relevant to "architecture". Architecture does not necessarily refer to building, but a way of thinking about material, structure, space or place-making. Beware of using symbols and forms that do not relate to architectural structures.

in case you are confused, remember this: design a space! always think of the design criteria.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Architecture Design Studio 1 Feedback & Assessment Criteria

General Feedback

1. Many of you could not convincingly communicate your design ideas and how that relates to either your client, site, or the design process. Beware of coming up with a concept irrelevant to these key considerations

2. We have noticed that, for the most part, the design process lacks rigour/thoroughness. At this stage, it shouldn't be about choosing a design from a series of unrelated sketch models, but developing a design through a continuous refinements of the models.

A simple, well executed idea is preferred to an ambitious idea, poorly executed

3. Be aware of practical ascpects. How do you get in? Are you blocking your neighbour's access? How do you create shelter?

4. Not acceptable to see models that do not fit into the site model, or new site models completely different to the group model

5. Too much text on butter paper and often unreadable set of sketches. Poor drawings and drawing without context. Consider diagramming.

6. Please note that your first presentation of the completed work is on Wednesday, Week 14 (i.e. Nov 16). You are expected to finish everything by then as there are NO classes after. To those who has not shown any work, consider yourself warned to fail the project.

Final Presentation Boards requirements:

a) hand drawn on A3 paper. proper line work, line types and line weights.
b) four A3 boards maximum
c) all drawings scaled and labelled with architectural handwriting
d) clear layout and composition
e) if you need to add images, please glue onto board. This applies to a computer photomontage.
f) preferably, you should have either an axonometric, sectional/x-ray axonometric or perspective, sectional perspective. one drawing to describe the exterior with context, an one drawing to show the quality of the space
g) process needs to be clearly described/ represented in visual form

Assessment Criteria and How To Achieve Them

1. Is there evidence of design thinking through rigorous process? (sketch models, sketches, diagrams)?

2. Are the design ideas and concepts successfully translated and carried through visually via drawings and model-making?

3. Does the formal expression demonstrate a compelling/cogent response of the design idea?


4. Does the design demonstrate an understanding of: experiential space and ergonomics?

5. Are the amount of drawings and models adequate in describing the design intent?

6. Are the drawings legible ? Are they labelled properly and clearly?

7. Is there quality and cohesiveness in the visual modes of representation?

8. Is there an attempt to convey atmospherics and spatial experience, and/or the connection between interior and exterior?

9. Is there clarity and conciseness from the verbal presentation?

Final Notes

Next presentation will be on Wednesday, next week. We expect you to work towards achieving the above criteria.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jarmusch Quote

Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to.” ― Jim Jarmusch


Click here for the slides from the last lecture.

Architecture Design Studio 1

1. Please ensure that you have read the brief for project 3
2. For next Monday, there is a butter paper + sketch model submissions
3. Remember that attendance is compulsory and very critical for these final few weeks

Cage Helmet by Milliner, Heather Huey

Friday, October 7, 2011

In case you are interested in History

A VERY Simplified History of Melaka. Excerpts from the Management Plan and the UNESCO WHS Dossier:

"The Melaka founder prince was said to be Parameswara, which meant ‘prince
consort’, was the husband of a Majapahit princess in Java. He was a prince from
Palembang, the capital of Srivijaya, and who was involved in the war of succession
before fleeing to Tumasek (Singapore). There he was reported to have killed the
Siamese regent who ruled the island, and was driven by armies from Pahang or
Patani, which were vassals of Siam. He wandered around until he reached the
estuary of a river, later known to be the Melaka River, and rested under a tree.
While resting he was said to have noticed a mouse deer being chased by a dog, but
the former retaliated back, notwithstanding its smaller size, and managed to chase the
dog away. This demonstration of steely courage was taken by Parameswara as
a symbol of fortune for him. He asked around for the name of the place. Since
none knew, he named it after the tree under which he was resting, the Melaka
tree. Thus Melaka was founded. Under Parameswara’s rule this small fi shing
settlement became a thriving port. "

"Melaka’s glory under the Malay sultanate ended in 1511, when the Portuguese
captured the ‘fabulous eastern empire’, under the command of Alfonso de
Albuquerque. The reputation of Melaka must already have reached them much
earlier. In 1509 a group of traders led by De Sequeira had landed in Melaka,
but were attacked and some were killed. De Albuquerque who had succeeded in
capturing Goa in India, decided that it was the best opportunity for him to rescue and
avenge his fellowmen and capture Melaka and the famous spice trade. By controlling
it, Portugal became the new power to be reckoned with in Europe. About Melaka,
a Portuguese had once said, “Whosoever holds Malacca, had his hands on the
throat of Venice, for the goods that were transacted in Melaka had very high values
in Europe.” They were also keen to spread their Catholic religion against the Muslims
who were fi ghting against them in the wars of the Crusades."

"In the 17th Century other European traders were actively plying the sea
routes between India and China through the Straits of Melaka. Two of the most
important traders were the Dutch and the British. The Portuguese infl uence at
this juncture had begun to decline. Its empire had become too large and their
home base was too far away. Melaka had repeatedly been attacked by the Malay
neighbours, such as the former Melaka Malay sultans who had settled in Johor
in the south of Melaka, the upcoming Acenese (Achenese) rulers who were
contending as the new heir to the Malay Muslim power in the archipelago, and the
Dutch who had succeeded in subjugating Java. Between the Dutch and the British,
the former were more advanced as they were able to ally with the local rulers. In
the attack of Melaka, the Dutch received support from the Malays in Johor. After
a fi ve-month siege, the Portuguese surrendered in 1641, 130 years after they
had forever removed the Malay sultanate from Melaka."

"After the conquest of Melaka, the Dutch merely took over the infrastructure left
behind by the Portuguese. They occupied the fortress, A Famosa and renamed it
Porta de Santiago. The coat of arms of the Dutch East India Company and the
date 1670 were engraved on the gate. St. Paul’s College was used as part of the
fortress and later as a burial ground for high ranking Dutch offi cials. The Dutch
later built their own fortress on St. John’s Hill which was armed with eight cannons.
In 1650 the former Governor’s residence was converted into the red terracotta
Stadthuys (Government House) for the Dutch Governor and his retinue."

"Events in Europe also changed the history in Melaka. Holland was defeated
by Napoleon and the Dutch king had to take refuge in England. The monarch then
agreed to hand over Melaka and other possessions in the East to the British for
protection until the Napoleonic wars were over. Thus, Melaka came into British
hands between 1795-1818. By this time (1786) the British had already occupied
Penang which was named the Prince of Wales Island."

Urban Morphology

"Melaka began as a fisherman’s village along the Melaka River. The rise of the Malay Sultanate marked the beginning of Melaka as an important regional empire. A bridge was built on the river to accommodate the infl ux of migrants from its surroundings. The river, together with the hill forms two important geographical elements defi ning the town of Melaka. Upon the colonisation by the Portuguese, the A Famosa was constructed at the foot of St. Paul’s Hill. During the Dutch era, the urban structure of Melaka town became more planned. Streets were clearly defined and it was also during this period that the construction of brick shophouses and townhouses began. When the town of Melaka and its fortress was temporarily handed over to the British in 1795, the demolition of the fort under the directive of William Farquhar took place."

"Today, the Porta Santiago remains the only standing physical reminder of the fort of Melaka. Under the Straits Settlements, Melaka rapidly expanded during the early 19th Century. The streets became linear and wider to accommodate the rise of private vehicles, and consequently the blocks of shophouses have also become increasingly orthogonal. Today, Melaka continues to grow as a series of reclamations ensued, causing the historic city to lose its original relationship to the sea."

"1980s had brought rapid changes to Melaka’s urban fabric. Emphasis was given to tourists’ related development, as it was clear that Melaka offers a significant attraction to both domestic and foreign visitors. A large area at Ayer Keroh next to the new highway became the focus of hotels, theme parks, restaurants and anything that can persuade the tourism industry to attract tourists instead of just relying on one source of attraction that was generally focused on Melaka’s rich heritage resources. The city centre’s role as seat of administration and most of the government department around St. Paul’s Hill for over 500 years came to an end when they moved to another administrative centre at Jalan Hang Tuah in 1980’s and later in the 21st Century to Ayer Keroh. In 2010 this administrative centre was hived off to form the heart of a new administrative municipality called Hang Tuah Jaya and thereby effectively ending the historic ties with the old trading port as an administrative centre."

Upeh: the Historic Residential and Commercial Precinct of Melaka

"The settlement on the right bank of the river roughly encircle by the river and the sea and what is Jalan Kubu today was known as Upeh in the Portuguese period. The area roughly correspond with the part of the Core Zone on the right bank of the river. This was the area that was used during the Sultanate era as a market place as well as residence for the transitory inhabitants."

"The name Upeh was fi rst used during the Portuguese period to refer to this part of the WHS. Eredia identifi ed four ethnic quarters in Upeh, namely Kampung Java in approximately the same location as the square in Jalan Kampung Pantai today up to the river bank at Lorong Hang Jebat, a Kampung China just north of this area, and a Kampung Keling running parallel with the coast. At the northern end of what is Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock today was the Bendahara residence and in the triangle between Kampung China, Kampung Keling and the earthen ramparts (tranqueira -Portuguese ) lies the Malay settlement or Kampung Bendahara."

"While Upeh is to a lesser extent fortified, the fortifi cations are far from satisfactory. It had been recorded that during some of the sieges by more powerful forces the residents of Upeh was fl ed to find refuge within the Fortaleza da Malaca."

"Upeh reemerged as Bandar Melaka during the Dutch period and became the place as Governor Bort described in his report of 1678 “where the richest inhabitants and foreigners lived”. Francis Valentijn’s view of Melaka for the sea circa 1720 appears to confirm his report. The street pattern of Bandar Melaka is by now quite recognisable. The Dutch burghers had settled in what used to be Kampung Keling and Heeren Street (Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock) and Jonker Street (Jalan Hang Jebat) had been laid out and the area including the occupationally specialised lanes behind Jonker Street Goldsmith Street, Blacksmith Street and Kampung Kuli came to be known as Kampung Belanda. The Indian Muslims relocate further inland to the area known as Kampung Pali roughly corresponds with Kampung Kekek today. The Javanese had been displaced by the Kelings or south Indians and relocated themselves across the river just north of Jalan Bunga Raya today. To date the northern end of Lorong Hang Jebat is dominated by the Indian community and the local Chinese refer to this street as “Keling Road” No mention was made of a Kampung China although it is recorded that Chinese burials were beginning to spread over Bukit China. By 1678 it was recorded that there were no less than 310 buildings of which no less than 128 were made of bricks in Bandar Melaka."

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Assignment Brief 2B and 2C currently on BB7

Dear all!

Please download and refer to your assignment briefs on BB7. Due apologies for not having these documents up sooner.

Good luck and have a good day in Malacca tomorrow!


Site visit Details

Location: Melaka Town (UNESCO WHS, Core Zone)
Date: 8 October 2011, Saturday


7.30 am
Meet at Taylor’s lakeside campus

8.00 am
Bus departs

11.00 am
Bus arrives at Melaka town

11.15 am
Site visit and physical documentation (Task 1: in groups)

1.30 pm

2.30 pm
Discovering the trades and people of old Melaka (Task 2: individual sketchbook exercise)

5.00 pm

6.00 pm

7.00 pm
Bus leaves for Kuala Lumpur

To Do:

1. The purpose of the site visit is to document a chosen site for Project 3: A Grafted Space

2. Students will be divided into 8 groups, as per the grouping in Project 2A. Each group is to choose one site. You are required to conduct a simple site analysis where you will document and measure the site (Task 1). The map provided describes the boundary of your possible sites.

3. You may seek advice from the lecturer as to what is a suitable site. The site should be suitable for a grafted space (i.e. lane way, a derelict shophouse)

3. Groups must be together at all times, until the documentation of the site is complete.

4. Task 2 is a sketchbook exercise. From the list of possible clients, students are encouraged to explore the site and learn more about any of the trades and activities related to the site i.e. sketches, interviews, profiling

5. The sketchbook must be presented to the respective lecturers on Monday. A draft site analysis must be presented on Wednesday, 12 October

Client List:

wayang kulit (tok dalang)
chef/cook (eg. chicken rice ball)
recycled material collector
cosmetic surgeon
erhu player
joss stick maker
trishaw driver
nyonya beaded shoe maker / kebaya seamstress
silver/goldsmith / jewellery maker
rattan furniture craftsmen
cultural anthropologist
popiah skin maker
counterfeit goods seller
sculptor / building craftsman

Monday, October 3, 2011


1600 map

detail of 1916 map

Core Zone, UNESCO Heritage Site

Red line demarcates the boundary of your chosen sites.
This is the map that you will use.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Notification to all Sem 1 students

Hello everyone,

1. Please keep your work space clean and free of clutter

2. Do not block other's path if you are working along the corridors. Avoid the use of corridors, if there are available rooms

3. As the CAAEM visit will happen this week, please cooperate with the FM and faculty in ensuring that the spaces are kept clean

Spread the word :)

Thanks again,


Monday, September 19, 2011


Gaetano Pesce

McNab Gage Potts Pollock


Tom Ngo

Anderson Anderson Architecture

delta, three-dimensional grafitti relief

Hadid Knapkiewicz Dunn Ganjei

More references:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Studio 1 Announcement

Pooject 2A commences this Monday. Click here for the brief.

As I have mentioned last week, please do some research on architectural model-making. I would also advise you to look up for basic design principles before the class on Monday.

For monday, please make sure you bring these:

1. COMPLETE model making tools
2. Bits of cardboard
3. Brief


Friday, June 17, 2011


Miss Normah will be on campus to provide feedback and guidance for their portfolio. You can catch her on Level 9 Block C between 11am and 2pm.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Submissions for Group 4 (Shyn)

I too have set up a submission box as of today for those who have either not submitted their works to me or have been granted permission to submit in their works later.

The submission box is located in the Staff Suite on Level 5 Block C. It will be there till Monday, 5pm.

Please note: No works shall be accepted past 5pm.

Kindly place your submissions neatly in the box. Thank you and good luck!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blackboard 7

After all the 14 weeks, BB7 is finally no longer a technical woe for me.

Please find all course material (assessment outlines and lecture slides) available for download on BB7. Please email me at shyn.cheah@gmail.com should you encounter any difficulties accessing the material.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Submission Instructions

Dear all,

Please follow the instructions below as to how to proceed with submissions of both your sketchbook and TGC Folio.

Group 1 (Indrani):
Please submit your works as instructed by Indrani.
Drop-off point: the corner opposite of Mr Keith's cubicle, located in the in Block C Level 9 Staff Suite.
Please note: Submission will commence today and works will not be accepted past Monday, June 20th.

Group 2 (Normah) & Group 3 (Faiz):
As both Normah and Faiz are away for the Terang competition, both groups will submit your works on Monday, June 20th between 2.30pm to 4.30pm.
Drop-off point: Block C Level 9 Staff Suite, Front Table.(There will be two boxes placed here each labelled Design Communication for Normah Sulaiman and Faiz Akhbar respectively. Please ensure you are placing your works in the according and correct box.)
Time for submission is strictly between 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Note that submissions past 4.30pm will not be accepted.

Group 4 (Shyn):
You will submit your works to me in Design Studio 1 strictly today and Thursday unless I have granted you permission to do otherwise.
Drop-off point: Design Studio 1
Note: for those whom I have given permission to submit next Monday or Tuesday due to certain circumstance, email me ASAP to remind me of your situation and when you will submit those works to me.

Group 5 (Wan):
You will submit your works anytime from today to Monday, 4.30pm.
Drop-off point: Please place your work in the labelled box that will be located in the hallway of the Staff Suite Block C, Level 5.

Group 6 (Yati):
Submission of both the portfolio and sketch journals is on Thursday, June 16th before 5pm.
Drop-off point: Yellow cabinet located in the Block C Level 9 Staff Suite.
Please note: Further instructions by Puan Yati will be put up on the wall and you are required to sign the list provided on the door.

TGC Folio: Submission date

Important: whilst it is has been stated that the submission date for your Folio is this Thursday, this is subject to confirmation.

Please watch this space for updates on the submission. Thank you.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Re: TGC Folio for D.Comm

Miss Shyn,
Regarding the portfolio, we are suppose to put in all our work include the project 3.

But the project 3 is actually same as the design studio project 3 as well.
Since this project is the combination with design studio (include doing the board),
so in the portfolio for this semester, do we still need to differentiate them into different category, 1 copy for design comm and 1 copy for design studio (but actually they are the same thing)?

Just to clarify guys, for design comm it is more important to show the process you have taken to reach the final boards. Meaning, not only is the final layout important, but what is more crucial are the rough drawings and models you have made along the way. Be it butter paper and pencil drawings, etc.

Reason being I am more interested in the process and development of your communication skills from the start to the end of semester.

So please be sure to include your working materials when putting together your portfolio.


Saturday, June 11, 2011


Dear students,

As stated in the course outline, you have two assignments to submit during the study week. If you have not arranged with your tutor yet as to how to submit these assignments to them, please contact them or check back here and the blog for further instruction.

Otherwise, please note that submission for the Sketchbook (you should have a minimum of 15 sketches in total which is INCLUSIVE of the first 5 you did at the start of semester) is on the coming Tuesday, 14th June; and the TGC Folio is due on Thursday, 16th June.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

MISTAKES in Assessment 3 Outline

Sincerest apologies dear students for a few blunders in the previous handout. Please find the accurate version here.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Download Assessment 3: Finishing & Presentation

Dear all,

Here is the outline for the final assignment of the semester (that is if you exclude the TGC Folio, which really is just a compilation of all that you have done throughout the last three months).

You will find the outline here.

Thank you all for your patience and your endurance as well as perseverance. This is the final hurdle so let's all pull through!

Good luck all! ; )

Graphic eye-candy by O+A (available on dezeen.com)

Model eye-candy by SANAA (just google)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Download Assessment 2C: Perspectives

And for the Perspective exercise: click here.

Perspective Lecture Slides

For the comprehensive lecture slides on perspectives as presented yesterday, please click here.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Axonometric drawing

Hope you have all managed to get some rest after the last submission, I know it was slightly daunting for some of you but kudos for having put in commendable effort!

For those of you who may have been tracing blindly, a word of warning, the following exercise will not be any easier for you.

However, your lives will be made easier if you download the very detailed assessment brief by clicking here and reading the instructions and following it closely for the next two weeks.

I have high expectations from you lot as I know you are a dedicated bunch who are very capable of producing immensely inspiring works (this is from me stealing glances of your works for Design Studio 1). So come on guys, surprise me! (in a good way yea?)

Good luck!

An image for inspiration:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Download Assessment 2A: Tonal Values

For the assessment outline, click here.

And again, for the documentation on the building that you will be drawing, click here.

My sincerest apologies for the first document being posted up this late. I hope this reaches you all timely and is not an inconvenience. Otherwise, look forward to starting on the next assessment with you all!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Also for Tuesday

Please have with you A4-sized paper for drawing on.

For Thursday however, you will need A3-sized tracing paper and butter paper, as well as this printout that you can download here.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

For Tuesday (15March)

- Assessment 1A submission
I hope you all are chugging along well with this assignment (as well as the Tonal Values one). Realistically you should aim to have 85% of this task completed by now and that the next day is for putting the final touches on your sketches (ie. tidying up, adding last bits of shading for contrast, etc.

Please make sure that your names and student ID numbers are clearly indicated on your sketchbooks. You are to submit this assignment to your respective workshop instructors.

- Shopping list
For the second installment of this module, you will require the following:
1. Technical/Drafting pens (Rotring or Unipinbrands, pen thicknesses of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5)

You can also purchase these Faber Castell ones pictured above if you can't get either the Unipin or Rotring ones.

2. Set squares/triangles
3. Adjustable set square
4. T-square (A3-size is recommended for this class)
5. Scale ruler

6. Pencils
7. Eraser
8. Masking tape
9. Ruler

Not necessary but highly recommended are:
1. French curve

2. Circle template
3. A3 drawing/drafting boards

For the drafting/drawing board, you can get either the cheap wooden ones or the slightly pricier Rotring option (pictured above) which comes complete with its own ruler and right angle too. I personally own the latter and despite it's slightly hefty price tag, have found it useful many a time.

- The workshop session
For those who have already been assigned into the 1.30pm and 3pm sessions respectively, please attend your workshop at the given times.

However, for those who have not been assigned into the two separate times, please proceed to your workshop spaces at 1.30pm and further instructions will be given then.

Either way, please have these lecture notes with you as you will be given an in-class exercise to which it will be handy to have these by your side to refer to.

I would also advise you to bring in a measuring tape to class on Tuesday. Don't fret if you haven't got one handy, but if you do, please bring it in and you'll see why you'll be needing it! = )

Otherwise, hope you all have managed to enjoy your weekend somewhat despite all the assignments, looking forward to seeing you all in class!